• Accountability


    Alabama's Report Card Law

    Alabama Act No. 2012-402 requires the state to use state-authorized assessments and other key performance indicators that give a total profile of the school or school system, or both. A school’s grade, at a minimum shall be based on a combination of Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, Graduation Rate (for schools with a grade 12), College and Career Readiness (for schools with a grade 12), and Chronic Absenteeism.

    Federal Education Law

    The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the federal law that governs education in the United States. The ESSA requires that states develop a state-wide accountability system that is based on challenging State academic standards for reading or language arts and mathematics to improve student achievement and school success. This accountability system must include indicators that measure Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, Graduation Rate, Progress in English Language Proficiency, and a measure of school quality or student success (for the measure of school quality or student success, Alabama will use College and Career Readiness (for schools with a grade 12) and Chronic Absenteeism).

    Alabama's ESSA Plan

    Alabama’s approved ESSA plan merges the requirements of both state and federal law into one Accountability System that differentiates among the schools and districts within Alabama.

    Alabama State Department of Education Report Card

    Click here to access the State Report Card for the state, districts, and schools.