It is the belief of the Lee County Board of Education that regular school attendance is important to all students and to the school system. It is further believed that course content and grading procedures should be structured in such a fashion that regular attendance is necessary in order to successfully complete course requirements.
Subject to parental guidance, each student must be responsible for his/her own attendance. Administrators and teachers will make every effort to encourage regular attendance by students and to solicit assistance from parents/guardians in accomplishing this objective.
Alabama's law requires all children between the ages of six and seventeen to attend school. Administrators and teachers will make reasonable efforts to encourage attendance by students and to inform parents when there are attendance problems. The final responsibility for each student to comply with Alabama attendance laws, however, rests with each student and his/her parents/custodian. Students should make every effort to do the following: to attend all classes daily; to be on time; to provide appropriate documentation for all absences; and to request, complete, and turn in on time all make-up work given for excused absences. Absences should be followed by a written statement of the parent/guardian giving the date(s) and reason(s) for the absence(s). A maximum of 5 days will be excused with a parent's note per semester, after which, for an absence to be excused, there must be a doctor’s excuse. Students have three (3) days to provide this written explanation. Absences are excused as follows: pupil too ill to attend school; inclement weather which would be dangerous to the life or health of the child if he/she attends school; legal quarantine; death in the immediate family; emergency conditions as determined by the superintendent or the principal; and permission from the principal and consent of the parent(s)/custodian. All other absences are unexcused. Repeated unexcused absences or a pattern of absences will not be tolerated and may be considered a violation of the Alabama attendance law.
Parents/ guardians are able to submit an excuse for absences using the link below:
Lee County Schools Absence Excuse Form
Result notifications will automatically be submitted to the school attendance personnel for the school selected. Please refer to the Attendance Policy above to determine what you can submit as an excuse for an absence.