We transport between 80% and 90% of our students. Students that do not comply with the bus rules, bus drivers, create disturbing noise, or other disciplinary problems, will be removed from the bus for a period of time in accordance with the master discipline plan.
Children disembark from the buses each morning under the bus line awning. Morning bus riders should not be entering or exiting the buses except under the awning. Children go directly from the bus line into the school building in an orderly fashion.
After school bus riders walk through the parked buses from 2:50 until 3:05 CST. The buses are parked in two rows to accommodate the children. The children walk with their teacher to the bus and load the buses in preparation for the after school route. Children will be seated on their buses with no children on the bus line for the buses to leave campus for their route.
The bus and car rider areas use seperate drive ways.
*Remember - bus transportation is a privilege, NOT a right. Poor bus behavior may be cause for suspension from bus or school. Additional bus rules of conduct are contained in the Policies and Master Discipline Plan portion of this handbook.
Any change from your child's regular daily transportation (ex: ride the car today instead of bus), must be given to your child's teacher in writing.