• The Alabama State Department of Education requires several things for a child to be officially enrolled in kindergarten.  You will need to have:

    1. 2 Proofs of Residency:  Proof that your child lives in the appropriate attendance zone by providing a signed lease or deed/mortgage/letter from property manager AND a recent utility or phone bill addressed to the parent/guardian at the address in the school zone. Note that these are two separate proofs and are both required.

    2. Picture ID: Be prepared to show a picture ID, such as a driver's license, when enrolling your child.  Also, please be prepared to bring any Custody or Guardianship papers if appropriate.

    3. Immunization Card: The child must have current Alabama immunizations for Diphtheria, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, 2nd dose of MMR, Tetanus, Pertussis, and Varicella or immunity to chicken pox.  The school must keep this ‘blue card' on file.

    4. Social Security Card: A valid social security number and card is preferred but not required. The school will make a copy and keep it in a secure file. The social security number is not used for any routine identification.

    5. Contact Information: Emergency contact names and phone numbers are helpful at registration and required when school begins, in case a child is hurt or sick. We ask that numbers be updated when changes occur so parents/guardians can always be contacted.

    All items must be completed before a student will be enrolled and assigned a teacher for the upcoming school year. We look forward to seeing you.

    *These items are mandated and can not be waived.