• Beauregard High School

    School Counseling Services

    Mrs. Renae Robbins, School Counselor

    Email: robbins.renae@lee.k12.al.us

    Phone: 334-528-7672

     Mrs. Allison Saggus, Registrar

    Email: saggus.allison@lee.k12.al.us

    Phone: 334-528-7673

    Counseling Suite

    Beauregard High School Counselor's Suite

    The Counselor's Suite contains the Counselor's Office and the Registrar's Office, in addition to meeting and student testing spaces. The suite is located in the Blue Hall near the Main Office.


  • Renae

    Mrs. Renae Robbins, Guidance Counselor


    Mrs. Allison Saggus, Registrar