Loachapoka is a town in Lee County, Alabama with an estimated population of over 1,000. It is located seven miles from Auburn City Limits in west-central Lee County. We are a rural, small farming, agricultural based community that has grown into a small-town suburb of Auburn. Although there are few industries in Loachapoka, residents are primarily employed at industrial, and technology plants in neighboring cities. The community sponsors two annual fall festivals, the annual Pioneer Day (formerly known as Syrup Sopping Day) and the Lee County Historical Fair which are both held on the same day each fall. Both events bring a record number of festival visitors to the area annually. There are two schools in the Loachapoka attendance zone identified as Loachapoka Elementary (Pre-K - 6) and Loachapoka High (7 - 12). Loachapoka Elementary and High are eligible and served as a Title I school-wide programs.
At Loachapoka Elementary, the faculty and staff work as a team. The team's responsibilities are to collaborate and communicate high expectations to our students as well as provide a school climate that motivates and encourages our students to excel. The LES team is student-focused and data driven in preparing our students for a career or college. In keeping with our school wide theme, "LES has Pride (Progressive and Responsible Individuals Determined to Excel)! We pride ourselves in providing our students with all the tools needed to excel socially, technologically, and academically. This pride also inspires us to work diligently to make sure our students will have the educational background and positive social growth to be life-long achievers successfully conquering everyday endeavors. In keeping with our motto, "We will Shine the Light on Academic Excellence"!
Recognizing all students as individuals, the mission of Loachapoka is to provide optimal learning opportunities that address unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs to work cooperatively with the community to develop productive, mutually respectful, citizens. The Loachapoka Elementary Faculty and Staff's vision is for all of our students to read, comprehend, write, and communicate on or above grade level. Our beliefs are as follows: Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. Students' learning needs should be the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of the school. A students' self-esteem is enhanced by positive relationships and mutual respect among and between students and staff. The school needs to function as a learning organization and promote opportunities for all those who have a stake in the success of the school to work together as a community of learners. Students need to not only demonstrate their understanding of essential knowledge and skills, but also need to be actively involved in solving problems and producing quality work.