Phone: (334) 664 - 4060


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in English Education Bachelor of Arts in English, Language and Literature Master of Science in English Education Master Classroom Teacher (Ron Clark Academy)

Mrs. Tracy Dunn

I have been teaching high school for well over a decade now and have experience working at the post-secondary level (Chattahoochee Valley Community College) as well. 

I am teaching at my alma mater because I am a Panther who graduated from Smiths Station High School (years ago).  Currently, I teach Dual Enrollment English Composition 102, 12th-grade English and Graduation Prep. I am also the Areophagus (English Honor Society) sponsor and a Senior sponsor. 

I am married to Mike Dunn (graduate of SSHS), and we have seven kids in our "bunch".

We have 4 boys from my 1st marriage (Carter, Caul, Canton & Cooper Jordan), and Mike brought 3 girls (Lauren, Hali & Keely) ~ we are the REAL Brady Bunch and recently became empty nesters. 

Panther Pride and Roll Tide!