• The Loachapoka Marching Band

    Dr. Shane Colquhoun, Band Director



    The Loachapoka School Band is a group of student musicians with the highest standards of performance and behavior. We represent the Loachapoka community with pride, dignity, and professionalism. We perform at all L.H.S football games, a series of marching and concert band contests and festivals, and at a variety of concerts and service events.

    Our program of activities is well balanced between Concert Band and Marching Band. We offer a quality, well-rounded education in music and life skills to all our members.

    We are a cohesive, supportive family. We stick together and help each other through the hard times. We are a positive force in the lives of young people. In addition to enriching lives through musical involvement, we learn discipline, cooperation, work ethic, goal setting, and achievement. We learn to respect ourselves and others, and elevate self-esteem and self-worth.

    We are serious and professional in our performance and rehearsal approach. Our rehearsals are well planned and well organized, and no time is wasted. We perform with the utmost of pride and dignity at all times.

    Our four keys to success are Commitment, Leadership, Teamwork, and Musicianship.