Parent Resources
Parents, without your active role in your student's academic career, the student loses so much. Your role is more valuable than you know. For both the student and the staff at Beulah Elementary School, we need your involvement in your student's life. We know that you want your student to be successful and trying to figure out your role can be difficult. These three simple tips below can help your student.
• Help your child show up at school with a good attitude and ready to learn.
-Keep tabs on school attendance.
-Make sure your student gets plenty of rest each night.
-Don't accept the "I'm never going to use this after school" excuse for not working hard in a class.
-Speak positively of the benefits of an elementary school education.• Help them organize their time and materials.
-Help your student keep an assignment calendar/agenda with dates for homework, tests, and projects.
-Divide long-term assignments into smaller tasks and develop a timeline for what tasks should be done.
-Make sure there is a quiet study area and a location for their school materials.• Take an interest.
-Listen to your student talk about what is happening in class.
-Encourage your student to become involved in a club or sport at school.
-Show teachers that you are interested in your student's education.
-Help your student understand how to take ownership of his academic career.Attendance
The impact attendance has on students can be documented all the way back to elementary school: - Attendance in the Early Grades
This is an excellent resource that show the VALUABLE role the parent has in school attendance: - Bringing Attendance Home
Check out this short document for tips on how you can help in student attendance. - Parents Can Improve Student's Attendance
Career Planning
Use the following .pdf file to help better understand how you can help your student plan for his/her future: - Parent's Guide to Career Planning
The Opelika-Auburn News had a great article regarding child/adolescent mental health. Take a look for yourself: - Focus on Child/Adolescent Mental Health
Academic success is vital for school, and helping our students understand how to be successful is key: - "10 Skills Students Need to Thrive"by The Washington Post
Bullying is an issue in schools across America: - Bullying Bullying App Bullying (Mayo Clinic) Cyberbullying
Death of a loved one/family member/friend can be trying for a student: - How to Help a Grieving Teen
Depression is a serious concern for many parents: - Teen Depression Teen Depression: A Guide for Parents
Divorce can a very difficult time for students: - Helping Kids Cope with Separation and Divorce
Drugs and other substance abuse can dramatically affect a student, as well we as his/her family: - Factors of Teen Drug Use Teen Marijuana Usage
Eating disorders are significant in today's teen due to so many external (and even internal) factors: - National Eating Disorders Association
Health and well-being are significant in your teen's life. Check out websites and resources that can help shed light on your ever-changing teenager: - Kids Health
Internet usage and safety on the internet are topics that do not need to be taken lightly: - Safekids.com
Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. This website offers assistance on various topics when that health and well-being may be strained: - Mental Health Basics, Various Mental Health Areas with Supports, Mental Health Topics, & Overviews (Select "Read more")
Motivation: - Famous Failures Surround Yourself with Greatness
Self-image is such a huge issue in today's teen society: - Healthy Body Image
Suicide is a serious concern for anyone. Take it as such: - Suicide Suicide Signs, Facts, Factors, and Resources Suicide Risk & Protective Factors
Teen violence comes in different shapes and forms. See the following links to better understand teen violence: - Stop Violence Violence Prevention