Phone: 334-705-6010 Ext.: 10933


Degrees and Certifications:

Auburn University, B.S. Mathematics Education (1991) University of Alabama, Birmingham, M.S. Mathematics Education (1996) Auburn University, Ed.D Educational Leadership (2002)

Dr. Ty Ford

Welcome to my web page! My name is Ty Ford. This fall marks the start of my 32nd year in education, and my 4th here at Beauregard High School. I currently teach 9th grade Geometry with Data Analysis, and serve as the head cross-country and girls track and field coach.

I spent most of my early years growing up in Auburn, graduating from Auburn High School in 1987. I stayed in Auburn the next four years, attending Auburn University. Since graduating from Auburn, my teaching career has given me the opportunity to work and live in several locations throughout Alabama, as well as 14 years in the Macon, Georgia area.

I married my wife, Traci, in 1994. We have been blessed with four wonderful children (Abby, Grace, Luke and Lilly).

In my leisure time, I enjoy hiking and camping, as well as cooking.