Christy Kirk, Sponsor
Email: kirk.christy@lee.k12.al.us
Phone: 334-705-6010 Ext.: 10956
Purchase Your Yearbook Online
Link: Order A Yearbook
Order Your Child's Senior Ad Now
You may buy a Senior Ad either online through Jostens or through the Hornet Yearbook Staff. Full-page ads are $250 and half-page ads are $175.
More Information:
To Order Online- Jostensadservice.com/student Create and purchase by December 2nd.
Paying for the ad is the final step in creating the ad. Your ad will not be saved on the Jostens website unless the ad fee is paid online. Credit and debit cards are accepted. Click on the link below to place your order.
Link: Order a Senior Ad Online
To Order at School- A $100 deposit must be paid by November 4th to hold the space. All photos or ad copy must be provided by November 18th. A proof will be sent to you for final approval and/or changes. Payment can be cash or a check made to BGHS with the balance due December 2nd.
If you have any questions, please ask Ms. Kirk in Room 129 or email her at: kirk.christy@lee.k12.al.us