Phone: 334-332-5003


Degrees and Certifications:

BS Physical Education, Troy State University MS In Administration, Troy University EdS in Teacher Administration, University of West Alabama

Mr. Wade Thorn

Starting my 24th year teaching, my 25th year coaching.  This will be my 19th at Beauregard.  I teach PE and Strength and Conditioning.  I am co-Athletic Director and Head Wrestling.  I have a BS in Physical Education and Health from Troy University.  I have a Masters in Administration from Troy University.  I have a Specialist Degree in Administration from University of West Alabama.  I am married to Jill Thorn who teaches Kindergarten at Beauregard Elm.  I have a 20-year-old Daughter who is a Junior at Point University and plays softball, and a 16-year-old son who is in the 11th grade who wrestles and is FBLA president. I enjoy traveling, weight lifting, family lake house, and fishing in my spare time.