Criteria for Establishing Residency
All Lee County School students must live within one of the four attendance zones of the Lee County School District with a parent, parent with residential/physical custody or a court adjudicated guardian. The burden of proof in documenting residency is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. It is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian to notify each respective school in which their child attends when there is a change in address, change in residency status, and/or change of contact phone numbers and/or email addresses previously provided as their child’s contact information. By request of Lee County Schools, it is the responsibility of the parent/legal custodian or guardian to provide and maintain current proofs of residency for their student(s) each and every year.
Parents who have legal custody or guardianship of a child may register a student in Lee County Schools. The parent must reside in the attendance area/zone for which registration is completed. Two proofs are required to prove residency. One piece of proof is from each of the categories below.
The first proof connects parents/guardian to property in Lee County. For the first proof, you may submit one of the following items:
■ Current Warranty Deed - (physical and legal address noted, recorded/filed/signed)
■ Recent Mortgage Statement - No more than 45 days old
■ Recent Property Tax Invoice (not the appraisal) for the most current tax year
■ Recent Mobile Home Tax Invoice
Homeowners may contact the office of the Lee County Revenue Commissioner for the following:
- They may provide the homeowner a property tax receipt. Phone 1-855-212-8024
- Receipts may also be available at http://www.deltacomputersystems.com/AL/AL43/pappraisala.html.
- Enter name/address/
- Enter submit/
- Click View Tax icon (red house) at bottom left/
- Look at TAX HISTORY/make sure the current tax payment is shown/
- print copy
■ Current Rental/Lease Agreement that covers the school year of enrollment.
*Parents who reside in a trailer rental or lot lease must provide a current lease agreement. The lease must be official, signed, notarized if applicable, unaltered with active begin/end dates. If the lease expires during the school year, a renewed active lease must be provided to each child’s school at the time of expiration or renewal. Leases that extend on a month-to-month basis require a Residency Affidavit which is to be filed for each child.
The second proof helps to prove that the parent may be currently living at the given address. The parent is to submit a current utility bill in the parent/guardian's name. The utility bill may not be more than two months old. The utility bill may be one of the following:
■ Electric Bill
■ Water Bill
■ Cable/Internet Bill
■ Telephone Bill – Landline
■ Gas Bill
If the parent/legal guardian is unable to provide the required proofs of residency listed above, the parent/legal guardian must complete a residency affidavit.
Mr. Nick Collier
Student Support Services Coordinator
Lee County Board of Education
2410 Society Hill Road
Opelika, Alabama 36804
Phone: (334) 705-4164