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Beulah Elementary School
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Abney, Kerri - 1st Grade
Bell, Donna - Assistant Principal
Blanks, Meagan - Special Education Teacher
Brown, Ashley - Pre K
Browning, Heather - Transition
Bryant, Katie - 4th Grade
Caffey, Arthur - Principal
Campbell, Jessica M. - 1st Grade
Carden, Jamie - Physical Education
Carmichael, Anna - Art
Cawthon, Kathryn - 1st Grade
Couey, Stevie - Special Education
Courson, Danielle - 3rd Grade
Crabb, Catena - Pre-K Aide
Culpepper,Tracy - Math Coach
Davis, Chelsea- Pre-K
DeLee, Laura - Pre-K
Dempsey, Chandra - 6th Grade
Duval, Damon - Physical Education
Friday, Rebecca- 3rd Grade
Gardner, Tiffany - Transition
Green, Kelly - Library Media Specialist
Gregory, Merri Lynn - STEM
Gregson, Julie - Kindergarten
Hadaway, Toni - Lunchroom Manager
Hard, Hillary - Special Education
Harris, Monica - Transition
Hayley, Sarah - Special Education (Speech)
Howell, Dana - 4th Grade
Hudmon, Cherika - 2nd Grade
Hughes, Laura - Kindergarten
James, Allison - 4th Grade
Jenkins, Chris - 5th Grade
Kiker, Amy- 1st Grade
Leddon, Kathryn - 5th Grade
Lee, Lyndi - Assistant Principal
Letson, Callie - 1st Grade
Mapes, Lamanda - 4th Grade
McConnell, Cherry - 3rd Grade
McCool, Kimberly - Registrar
McKemie, Christie - Nurse
McQueen,Jessica - 6th Grade
Meadows, Mandy - Transition
Melton, Valerie - Instructional Coach
Moore, Regina - Kindergarten
Norrell, Dawn - 2nd Grade
Pendley, Jenna - Bookkeeper
Ramsey, Paisley - Music
Rapacz, Lindsey - 4th Grade
Reece, Kayla - 2nd Grade
Richardson,Kristy - Transition
Richey, Lynn - 5th Grade
Rutledge, Emily - 3rd Grade
Schult, Jennifer - Kindergarten
Sherrod, Emily - Gifted/Enrichment
Sims, Debbie - Special Education Teacher
Singleton, Brittney- 2nd Grade
Starnes, Tonya - Secretary
Swader, Jada - Kindergarten
Taylor, Kayde- Counselor
Thrift, Nanette - Transition
Turner, Richelle - Speech Services
Wallace, Haley - Behavior Support Teacher
White, Tiffany - Physical Education
Williams, Lindsey - 6th Grade
Williams, Tyvoria - 5th Grade
Wilson, Jennifer - 6th Grade
Zevac, Jessica - Special Education
Lawler, Amy - CNP Inventory Clerk
Riley, Emily- Transition
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Hayley, Sarah - Special Education (Speech)
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Degrees and Certifications:
Sarah Hayley
Beulah Elementary
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