

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Elizabeth Morgan

Elizabeth Morgan is currently the school nurse teacher at Beulah High School.  Nurse Morgan has been a member of the BHS faculty since 2019 and started her nursing career in 1999.  Nurse Morgan holds an Associates Degree in Nursing.

Important Information Regarding Student Medication

A new Prescriber/Parent Authorization Form (PPA) must be completed for all student medications EACH YEAR.  To access this form, please click here.

Lee County Schools' Medication Policy
The intent of the Lee County Board of Education is to comply and to cooperate with the guidelines from the Alabama Department of Education, Alabama Board of Nursing and Alabama Law regarding administration of medications in the school. Only the school nurse or a certified medication assistant who has completed the Alabama Board of Nursing Medication in the Schools Training, under the direction of the school nurse, may administer medication in the schools. Possession, use, or distribution of prescription or over-the-counter medication may result in disciplinary action. Please read the “Medication in the School Setting”, “School Medication Prescriber/ Parent Authorization Form” and “Over the Counter Medication Authorization” in the Appendices. A School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization Form may also be downloaded from the Lee County School Website, under the Health Services tab.  You may also click here to reach this information.