Phone: 334-644-4061


Degrees and Certifications:

Masters Degree - Educational Administrator ~ Troy University 2008 Bachelors Degree - Elementary Education ~ Troy University 2002

Mrs. Brandy Montroy

Welcome to 4th Grade 2024-2025!

I will be your Math teacher! Mrs. Brown will be your Reading teacher, and Mrs. Phelps will be your Science & Social Studies teacher.

I have been working in Lee County schools since 2000.  I have taught Kindergarten for 3 years, 1st grade for 9 years,3rd grade for 9 years, and this will be my 3rd year teaching 4th grade.  I enjoy working with all children!  I believe that all students can learn and love helping them develop their potential to do great in this world.  I am a Highly Qualified teacher in Alabama.

I am looking forward to this upcoming school year!  We will have a lot of fun learning and growing together.  

Parents, please TEXT #81010 with MESSAGE @2024254t AND download the FREE APP Remind 101, so we may communicate this year.