Phone: 334-664-4062
Degrees and Certifications:
BS (Elementary Education) Alabama State University M.Ed. (Elementary Education) Troy State University M.Ed. (Education Leadership) Troy State University Ed.S. (Elementary Education) Troy State University
Tracey Ward- Robinson
Mrs. Robinson is super excited about meeting all her K-2 friends and beginning an amazing school year at South Smiths Station Elementary. I am married to my best friend, Kennedy, and we have a handsome son named Sky. I enjoy spending time with family, friends, and traveling to new places. I also enjoy reading, shopping, and cheering on the Atlanta Falcons!!!
Mrs. Robinson truly understands what an important calling it is to be an elementary educator. This is such an exciting time in every child's life, and Mrs. Robinson is thrilled that she gets to play a major role in your child's educational journey.
Above all, Mrs. Robinson's GOAL for the year is for each student to develop a true love of learning that will last a lifetime! Therefore, I am looking forward to working with each of my students and their families this year.