Students are expected to be respectful to their teacher, their peers, and the equipment in the classroom at all times. Negative student behavior will be handled accordingly in a discipline ladder system.
- First Offense: Verbal Redirection
- Second Offense: Student Conference
- Third Offense: Parent Contact
- Fourth Offense: Parent Contact and Lunch/Morning Detention (depending on the students' lunch wave)
- Fifth Offense: Office Referral
Please note that major offenses may require immediate office referral.
Cell Phones
According to the new student code of contact, students are required to turn their cell phones off and store them in their book bags throughout the day. Students will hang their backpacks at the back of the classroom each day. Cell phones should never be on a students' person.
Any cell phone usage that is not sanctioned by the teacher will result in confiscation of the cell phone for the remainder of the day.
Absences/Late Work
Students are responsible for every assignment completed in class whether they are absent or not. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to see the teacher the day they return to get the assignment(s) that he/she missed. This assignment is then required for homework to be turned in the following day.
Late work is NOT accepted. Every assignment done in class progressively builds towards more difficult assignments. Work has to be completed in a timely fashion in order to understand the next assignment. Any work not turned in will result in a zero in the grade book.