• Fellowship of Christian Athletes

    Tasha Breland, Sponsor

    Email: breland.tasha@lee.k12.al.us

    Phone: 334-705-6010 Ext.: 10934

    FCA Logo

    FCA History

    The Fellowship of Christian Athletes was an idea born in Don McClanen’s heart in 1947 when he was a student at what is now Oklahoma State University.  He believed that athletes could use their platform of influence to present Jesus Christ to the entire culture in a powerful way.  McClanen officially began FCA in 1954.  The first FCA Camp was held in 1956 at Estes Park, CO with 256 athletes and coaches attending.  The campus ministry began with the formation of FCA Huddles in 1966.  Since then, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has expanded into the largest sports ministry in the world.

    The Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets each Thusday morning at 7:05 AM in the Beauregard High School Media Center.


    FCA Officers

    2019-2020 FCA Officers

    Kneeling L to R: James Conway and Eli Baggett

    Standing L to R: Daisy Gilmer, Kim Davis Tasha Breland (sponsor), Alex Sealey, Alexxia Carter, Madison Britt, and Quincie Cain

    FCA 29=019

    FCA Meeting on Thursday, September 5, 2019