• Beauregard High School

    Media Center

    Mrs. Kathy McDonald, Media Specialist

    Phone: 334-528-7681

    Email: mcdonald.kathy@lee.k12.al.us

    Media Center Hours: 7:15 A.M. until 3:15 PM

  • Destiny Library Access  Accelerated Reader and STAR

  • Media Center 1

    The Beauregard High School Media Center is an aesthetically pleasing facility designed to facilitate and enhance the learning activites afforded to our students, faculty, and staff at Beauregard High School.

  • Kathy McDonald

    Mrs. Kathy McDonald, Media Specialist

     Media Center Computer Lab

    The media center includes a computer center with desktops.

    Media Center Full 2

    In addition to the main room, the media center facility includes a private conference room and other workspaces.